Let’s have a few words.
You were challenging, and very painful on way more occasions than one, but you presented me with some deeply important opportunities to face myself and come much, much closer to the person who I want to be and am meant to be.
You taught me that spending 7 days away from technology and every human I know and dedicating myself to my wellbeing (Panchakarma!) is entirely life changing, and that slowing down is far more sustainable and productive than saying ‘yes’ to every single opportunity that comes my way.
You made it exceptionally clear who is and who is not meant to be in my life, and presented me with the strength and clarity to make those sometimes heartbreaking yet glaringly obvious decisions. And you also gave me the willpower to begin to let go in areas where I’ve never had the willpower to do so… with people, creative ideas, job opportunities, and even in places that hit so close to home I don’t have words for them that are yet suitable to share.
As it became more and more abundantly obvious to me that I needed to slow down, hone in, and “trim the fat” in almost every area of my life — making those decisions to take care of myself and not worry so much about what other people think and believe became much easier to do… and I thank you for that clarity even when it knocked me to the ground.
Physically, you showed me that I have the strength to train and run a full marathon (26.2!!!), nail yoga poses I had never dreamt of doing in the past, and that I also have the grace and awareness to listen to my body when it needs to rest.
2016, you presented me with MULTIPLE extremely bad colds and flus to knock me down, get my attention, keep me in bed, and force me to figure out what the heck I can do to slow down and take serious care of myself.
You reintroduced yoga into my life in a BIG way, and reminded me that practicing + teaching yoga is the most effective therapy I’ve ever had. And on that note, you also brought the right actual therapist into my life and brought a previous therapist back into my life in a new way — one who also introduced me to Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic practitioner who changed my life with the Panchakarma.
You presented me with ideas and inspiration for my next BOOK which fills me with enough gratitude and thrill to roll into the new year with a bang. You also presented me with the most incredible meeting with Celestine Fine + Sarah Passick (#SuperAgents) to focus in on those ideas and help bring them closer to reality.
And on the note of new ideas, you gave me the inspiration to start my PODCAST (!!!), which has reawakened the creativity and passion inside of me in a huge way… not to mention the opportunities to have on guests that set my soul on fire hugely.
You, in the last six months, have allowed me to figure out more and more about the hormone problems that were causing all sorts of imbalance in my body (and with my skin). You presented me with so many books, podcasts, healthcare professionals, and alternative medicines and supplements to bring me back to a state of health where I feel comfortable and happy in my body.
Opportunities to travel to Hawaii, Mexico, New York, San Francisco, and all up and down the California coast all opened my eyes each and every time and helped me figure out what my true focuses and distractions were.
In many ways, you challenged me to my absolute brink. Between heavy breakups and family stress that made me physically ill and hurt my heart to the point of making my wonder whether it was actually and literally broken, work-related decisions that sometimes drove me into mental tailspins, and endless opportunities to show up exactly as I am and not as anyone else wants me to be — you toughened me up. Big time. And I really did need that.
You also balanced out the pain with so many rewards and things to be grateful for — the best and sweetest, most humanlike cat (a.k.a son) on the face of the planet, a financially successful and emotionally passionate career, an abundance of incredible and dear friends, a loving and healthy family, a yoga mentor who I adore and am so grateful to now have in my life, work opportunities of my dreams, the chance to truly slow down, and so much more.
You were tough. You were packed and plentiful. You were awesome (at times). You gave me the blind understanding that I NEEDED to pursue something new and have unfolded more and more details about it after taking me on the beginnings of that journey.
I have a feeling 2017 will show up in ways that I so need and crave, and I simply cannot wait to learn every inch of it.
Thank you 2016 for your challenges, for you’ve taught me far more than I ever thought I would learn in one 365 day trip around the sun. And thank you for your blessings and goodness, because hot damn I am one lucky girl and I won’t ever forget it.
I crave the essence of a New Year — it’s a fresh slate, and I am big on numbers, the crossing over of time, and new opportunities. I get down with the reflections. And this year has had so much soul… in every single way, how could I not be knocked to my knees with emotion, gratitude and bittersweet acceptance and understanding for everything that took place personally and professionally, universally and in my own home.
All I know is that I am grateful and excited for what is to come — I look forward to all that 2017 has in store, and I will be sharing my GOALS and VISIONS for the New Year either tomorrow or Monday… and I can’t wait. It’s a long list, and I cannot wait to share it.
What are you grateful for this year? What have your reflections consisted of? I am so looking forward to my NYE event tonight in LA… it’s going to be so special, and I hope to see some of you there! <3