hi guys!
today it’s time for another loving lately! i love this style of post so much, for so many reasons. for one, because i am a list freak so writing lists in the form of blog posts makes me really happy. and for two, it reminds me of the early days of my blog when i would write a loving lately post EVERY week (or twice a week) and the whole schedule was all structured & shiz.
kind of the opposite of how it is now!!!!
so basically it makes me feel nostalgic because those times were so much fun, so new, and so exciting.
and every single time i sit down to write a new loving lately post, i feel that way!
let’s get into it. there’s a lot to love right now!
loving lately // 6.15.17
1. SOUL ON FIRE hitting one million downloads! // so last week my podcast passed one million downloads, ahhh! this is meaningful to me for so many reasons. first of all, it means that you guys are listening and enjoying the content which is first and foremost what is so incredibly important to me. also, it means that spending all of this time on such a new-to-me endeavor (podcasting!) has been as worthwhile of a move as i thought it would be. it feeds my soul from the inside out — i get to have conversations with people who inspire me like CRAZY, and i get to do it weekly AND share it with you guys! how cool is that? cheers to the next one million and beyond. <3
also, as you know, my podcast has only been around since november! by january or february i felt like i really started getting the hang of it — so it’s still very NEW to me! and to have such support on something so new just means the universe, so thank you for listening and being rad. if you haven’t subscribed, rated or reviewed… it would mean the WOOORLD to me if you hit up iTunes & did that! it helps so much with visibility and spreading the message far beyond our lil’ awesome bubble!
2. GABBY BERNSTEIN’S free video training! // my babe GB (this week’s podcast guest!) is offering a FREE video training right now all about owning your confidence and getting into action! she shares how she became a speaker, author & public figure with zero background. AND she teaches the 3 steps that helped her own her confidence and connect to her purpose. you can watch the first video HERE (!!) and when you’re ready to give into her spirit junkie masterclass (i know you will be, she’s that amazing), use the landing page on my site to do it!! eek, yay!
3. DIVING DEEP & spending time with people who GET IT! // as i get older, the more and more i lose tolerance for people who don’t seem to “get me.” i used to feel guilty for this, and think “maybe i should be a little more tolerant…” but now i am starting to see that that is just not the case. we aren’t supposed to be EVERY SINGLE HUMAN’s cup of tea. and if i spent my time trying to be, i’d lose myself.
i have been on the spiritual path for a while now, and the people who i tend to get along the absolute best with are also on a spiritually or emotionally elevated, high vibe level. this really just means that they are OPEN, they have depth, care about taking care of themselves, and have the confidence and security with they are to support others instead of tear them down. it really isn’t that woo-woo, it’s just basic human coolness.
my heart and soul really flocks to these high vibe individuals, and i feel crazy lucky to be surrounded by so many of them and meeting more of them every single day!
i’ve had so much fun this week with britt & tara of high vibe livin, emma of emma mildon (she will be on the podcast in a couple of weeks!), kelsey patel who does REIKI on me, and other friends of mine who just GET IT. it’s so fun to dive deep in conversation with people who don’t look at you like you’re crazy when you start talking about really meaningful, from the heart things.
4. glutathione, a.k.a the powerful antioxidant that is about to become your new BFF //
( this is sponsored by Kyowa Hakko. all opinions are my own, as always! ) so, let’s talk about SETRIA® GLUTATHIONE! otherwise known as the “master antioxidant” of the body, considering the fact that it is present in all of our cells and is our body’s primary defense against free radicals.
glutathione is one of those buzz words you may have heard about if you follow wellness trends and supplements closely, so i am here today to break it down for ya and tell you a bit about my experience using it. it is a nutrient-like compound that is versatile and so good for us in so many ways.
glutathione is one of those buzz words you may have heard about if you follow wellness trends and supplements closely, so i am here today to break it down for ya and tell you a bit about my experience using it. it is a nutrient-like compound that is one of the most versatile and important protective substances in the human body!
lately i have been taking Setria® Glutathione every morning with my matcha (i am off of coffee for the month – a story for a different day but i can’t wait to share more soon!) because our body’s natural levels of glutathione are at their lowest in the morning and should be replenished daily both through diet and supplementation.
the best dietary sources of glutathione are freshly prepared meats, including poultry and fish, fresh fruits, and fresh veggies (both raw and cooked). processed foods have little to no glutathione (surprise, surprise) because of losses during canning, drying, pasteurizing, etc. so it’s great to supplement your glutathione when you can — and i’d highly recommend Setria if you choose to!
* these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
5. BOOKS! // right now i am loving emma mildon’s the soul searcher’s handbook, which breaks down so many spiritual practices from meditation to acupuncture to crystal energy to reiki to auras to spirit animals and SO MUCH MORE. we also discuss all of this in our podcast together, but i will save that for the episode — yay! check out her book for sure, it’s amazing. also, i feel like i’ve mentioned this but mark manson’s the subtle art of not giving a fuck will change your approach to work / lifestyle for SURE. and i am also still reading and getting very close to finishing guru jagat’s invincible living (ALL ABOUT KUNDALINI!), and am having her on the pod in early august!! yay!
6. REIKI! // i have been exploring the magical world of reiki energy healing with the AMAZINGGGG kelsey patel (she will be on the podcast!! is this getting annoying? every single person i mention on the blog is coming on the podcast… because i am obsessed with them all! lol!) and she has worked so much STUFF out of me, from way down deep. old stories i’ve been telling myself, old thought patterns, anxieties and issues that i’ve been worked up in, etc. i am so, so looking forward to learning more from her and continuing to dive deep in this practice. if you have any questions about reiki, stones, crystals, etc… let me know before i interview her next week & i will include them! also stay tuned for some big fun things happening with kelsey & myself at the end of this year… eek! so exciting.
7. the GOOD fest coming to LA!!! // i am so, so, so, so excited that the GOOD fest is coming to LA in feb, 2018!!! i will be teaching TWO yoga classes, one with my soul sis sophie jaffe! i had so much fun teaching at the festival in philly this year (watch my youtube vid recap of the fest if you haven’t seen it yet!). if you’re planning on coming to the LA festival, use code TBB10 for $10 off of your tix!!! CAN’T WAIT to meet you alllll!!!
i have so much more to say!! from acupuncture to upcoming workshops to my sugar-free month and coffee-free month to so much travel on my horizon, there is so much more that i am loving lately… but i will save that for another time so that you can get on with yo day and LISTENNNN to the gabby bernstein podcast!