Hiii my babes! Happy 12 things Tuesday! It has been a SLOW start for me over here today as I really have not been feeling 100%. I haven’t been sick in foreverrrr but I have officially been hit with something and combined with being pregnant & having *horrible* seasonal allergies, my body is really feelin’ it this week.
So on that note, it’s nearly 1pm and I am just getting around to writing our weekly post. Why don’t we get right into it, shall we?!
Also HAVE YOU listened to Jesse McCartney on the pod from last week?! If you haven’t, a MUST. The ultimate icon of all icons!!
12 Things Tuesday //
1. I have been on a major roll this morning going down memory lane. It started with looking thorough my old photos / videos to find a cute video for Instagram to make a spiritual vid I have a vision for. I have legit over 150,000 photos/vids on my phone (I know, it’s nuts) so at least 50 people in my life got text messages this morning of old school memory lane photos of us!! I am THAT friend. I love memories, I love capturing the moment, I am obsessed with documenting, I love it all.
2. My inflammation (eczema, rashes, etc) had been doing sooo much better lately, but then after getting hit with these horrible allergies I now have super inflamed lips again and the face rash that has been coming & going for four years. Sooo fun. I have been laying in bed using my Bon Charge red light mask all morning and I swear it makes such a huge difference. It’s also an amaze natural alternative to botox. I am obsessseddd. Use my code TBBJORDAN25 at checkout HERE and try one for yourself.
3. While I was going down memory lane, I came across a video of Adam Levine from a Maroon 5 concert my mom and I went to in 2018. In the vid he is singing, “Lost Stars” and the part where he hits the massive high note is literally one of my all-time favorite moments in music EVER. “I thought I saw you out there crying…. I thought I heard you call my name… OOOOH” — it gets me EVERY TIME.
4. Speaking of, music cures the soul. It’s a healing balm for this harsh world. I am so grateful for it. I have been doing one of my Jordan deep dives lately into the music that I am most in love with and I swear it has been raising my vibration during this time when I haven’t been feeling 100%.
5. Who is watching LOVE IS BLIND??? I had never watched it before, didn’t even think it sounded that good, and now I am HOOKED. I had heard so so much about it online and I knew people were super into it, and now I get it. I am about halfway into season 6 (I haven’t watched any of the other seasons yet). What are our thoughts for other ppl who are watching? Do we think Jimmy & Chelsea end up together? And is Jessica not IDENTICAL to Amber Fillerup (our queen OG blogger)?! I have so many thoughts!!!
6. Haveeee you joined our MARCH CHALLENGE in the meditation platform?! It’s 21 days of commitment, devotion, and dedication to yourself & your practice. The medi’s range from legit 2 minutes long to some deeper dive ones. We also have journaling prompts, a gorgeous PDF for you with daily/nightly rituals, a group with accountability partners, a bunch of live events coming up, and access to over 100+ recordings… for literally only $11 monthly. You need to get in on it. I am shook every day that this space now exists and we want you thereeee with us!! Join us HERE.
7. One of my fave platform testimonials as of late:
“So emotional!!! Tapping on my heart after the kundalini breathing made me feel so much. I LOVE this combo of Kundalini Breathwodk & Visualization and the affirmations ALWAYS feel like a little goodie. Like I feel so abundant when I even get some in the end of the medi, it really enhances every meditation 10fold WOWWW.”
8. Thank god for mom friends. Like thank goddddd for mom friends. I am feeling so grateful for my community of mamas in this season of life. I also love of course having friends who are not moms (either not yet moms or don’t want to have kids) but there is something to be said for people who are in your season of life and truly get what you’re going through. Shoutout to the mamas who keep me afloat, you know who you are. <3
9. Did you knooowww we actually have a free access page now to the medi platform?! You can try out two meditations for FREE when you go here. The lucky girl affirmations & a wild Pleiadian channeling video. It’s hard to encapsulate the vibe of the platform with just two recordings because I cannot tell you how many diff styles and types of medi’s there are in there, but we tried. TELL MEEEE your thoughts, & I hope you’ll be inspired to join us!
10. We are still house hunting, it’s still been a really tough process, and I feel like I totally need/want to reframe my mindset around it. I need to start telling myself the process is easeful & fun and that our perfect house is on its way!! But tbh this has been my hardest manifestation yet (other than health related stuff).
11. Atticus got into preschool last week!!! He will start in Sept!! It feels so good to officially know where he is going. I won’t be sharing specifically where for obvious reasons, but let’s just say it’s very hippie & alternative and on the weekly schedule there is BUTTER CHURNING. I am unwell. Cutest and best thing ever. He wants to take a yellow school bus to school so he’s super stoked but I haven’t told him yet that he won’t be taking a bus, lol. But we WILL be taking him on a bus soon for fun because he is so so obsessed right now.
12. Speaking of, any cute kid’s shows, toys, rituals, books, or games your kids are loving right now? We need some new ideas and I would love your input!!!
LOVE YOU ALL & hope you are having an amazing week! Tell me how you’re doing below!! & check out last week’s post on the 15 THINGS I’VE LEARNED FROM RAISING MY VIBRATION here!!!