Can someone please tell me how/why/when each and every day in September passed by? Wednesday officially marks the beginning of October, and that blows my balanced blonde freaking mind.
I’m not complaining, though. October is my favorite month of the year. It is the beginning of the loveliest season of them all, and is followed by the two months with all of the best, coziest, most wonderful holidays. Plus, I’m a Libra, soooo… my birthday is right around the corner and I am going to be one year shy of a quarter of a century. Holy guacamole; that is crazy town!
Things have been busy in TBB Land, but this weekend in particular was a total whirlwind. I drove home from LA to Sactown on Wednesday for my grandfather’s funeral. Wednesday night I got to spend some quality time with my parents and work on my speech about my grandpa, and then Thursday the rest of my siblings and nieces came into town and we had a house full of rugrats for the rest of the weekend.
The service was nice, small and intimate. Exactly what my Papa would have wanted. Afterward we had a nice dinner with everyone and, well, lots of alcohol. In his honor, of course. He was the king of emptying any glass of whiskey, vodka, gin or wine in sight.
The rest of the weekend was filled with family festivities and lots of yoga and walks on my beloved American River. And of course working on the book… my first deadline (two chapters + six recipes) is due on Wednesday (WTF) so I am freaking out. I may or may not have to down a handful of Adderall tomorrow and get to work. (I wish I could say I was joking.)
Anyway, I am staying in good old Sac of Tomatoes (Sacramento, for all of you non-916 peeps!) until Wednesday so I can officially get my shit together and get down and dirty with the book.
Oh, and the app is JUST ABOUT DONEEEE so get ready for an official release date very soon! Way too exciting.
I will be writing my booty off for the next couple of days, so I wanted to leave y’all with a few good links, finds, and some of my favorite shots from TBV Apparel Photo Shoot last week with the master himself.
PS, feel free to text/call/email/message/visit me and distract me over the next few days. When I get stressed out about a big project I’m kind of like an anxious, unfocused, hyper child on crack. Even though it seems like most of my conversations these days are going a bit like this one…
Lovely Links:
Inspirational Quotes that will make you love your bod via Hello Giggles
24 Reasons Why You Need a Mini Pig (a.k.a the anthem of my life) via Distractify
Apple Picking Party (because it’s so very Fall-tastic & her photos always totally rock) via My Name is Yeh
Clothes I Kinda Need:
TBV Apparel Favs:
(Click on each photo & it will take you directly to store site. PS more photos from the shoot to come! So many great ones.)
Balance Definition Tee:
Loving Lately:
How were everyone else’s weekends?! Which is your fav new TBV Apparel tee? Anndd how do you CONCENTRATE when you have a huge project on your plate? (Any advice would be appreciated times a million!)