Helloooo and happy 12 things Tuesday!! Also, happy August!! 5 years ago today Jonathan proposed to me, I cannot believe it’s already been that long. Such a special day for us!!! It was the 1st day of the 20th month of us dating — a.k.a a 201. That man really knows me. 🙂
I am writing this post from bed in Sacramento, because I am still recovering from the T Swift concert on Friday night! Ahhh! It was amazing. But we got home at 4am and I will be recovering for a longggg time lol. More on that below. Hope everyone is having a blissful and amazing week. I love you all so much.
Let’s get right into it today!
12 Things Tuesday ♡
1. We may as well begin with the rundown of the Eras touuurr!!! I went in San Jose with my mom, three of my best friends and my friend Katie’s mom. It was the perfect crew and it was so special. I consider myself a newer Swiftie because I became obsessed with Taylor around the Folklore and Evermore eras, so pretty much during the pandemic times. I always loved her and I had a lot of songs that I was really into, but when she released Folklore I became *obsessed.* Like that album is so my vibe I cannot even tell you. The concert was incredible and truly was a transcendental experience for me. I got so many creative downloads and had so many visions — I really felt that the production was Broadway level & amazing. Taylor is so talented and I am blown away by the energy she has to do those performances back to back every night! She is something else!
2. My mom and I took the train from Sacramento to the bay for the concert (about 3 hours away), and oh my freaking word you guys. On the way there it was great and we were even saying we need to do this more often. It was nice, clean, safe, all the things. But on the way home… OH MY GOD. Firstly there were about 15 more stops going that direction than the train we took on the way there. Secondly, about 30 minutes into the ride, the train stopped dead on the tracks because of a vehicle blocking the train that was just SITTING there. We were there for hours. It was legit the middle of the night. Hundreds of Swifties around us were falling asleep and getting so frustrated, and we were told we would likely be back in Sac by 6am! AHHHH. This was my own personal hell. Police got involved to see what this car was doing. When we finally started driving again, we were CRAWLING at a snail’s pace. It was so odd. So at 3am I forced my mom to get off with me in Emeryville (like 90 miles from Sac) and I called us an Uber. The guy who picked us up was off his rocker. We are lucky we got home alive. We were deliriously laughing the whole way but we were also both hoping we would even get home alive!?!? IT WAS NUTS. We got home past 4:30am and that’s one reason why I am so dead still!
3. I LOVE concerts but I am such an HSP reflector soul that being around 70,000 people in a stadium is a lotttt. When I get back to LA tonight I plan to do a full sage on myself — body, mind, and soul. My chakras need a little extra balancing right now that’s for sure.
4. My favorite song of the night was “My Tears Ricochet” & of course the 10 minute version of “All too Well.” SO GOOD.
5. Ever since the concert I have been in a more chill music mood — so right now I am blasting Hozier and Bon Iver, and I think the next concert I go to will be that vibe. I can’t wait.
6. Being home in Sac has been so nice. We have been taking Atticus to feed the sheep every morning, walking to the park I went to every day growing up, and visiting with family and my nanny that took care of me my whole childhood. It’s been so magical. We even went to my schoooool that I grew up going to for 14 years!! SO SPECIAL. I am such a nostalgia queen.
7. My whole family caught a bad summer cold which has been a drag. First Atticus got it, then me and my dad, and now I think my mom and Jonathan may have it. Not fun.
8. Have you listened to last week’s episode of the podcast!?!? It’s a SOLO and it is my life story in a nutshell, and how I got to where I am now. ♡ I know I always say “this week is my favorite episode” because I always feel they keep getting better and better, but this is truly my fave. I hope you guys love it. Who has listened!??!
9. If you haven’t tried Kion amino acids & protein yet after listening to the founder on the pod, you MUST! My favorite flavors are watermelon and mango. I also love their decaf coffee & regular coffee — it is mold-free and the only brand I trust. I have been back on the coffee train lately and it is giving me liiiife. & if you haven’t heard the founder Angelo on the pod yet, you can listen here!
10. I am on my second week of Invisalign and loving it! Have you guys had Invisalign before? I notice that I am able to put in the next tray a few days earlier than the recommended 7 days which is exciting because it means the process might go faster. But I am wondering if I should do 7 days for each anyway to be thorough? Does anyone know?! I’m gonna ask my dentist too when I see him hehe.
11. It is currently 1:11 while I write this 11th number on the list!! Angels everywhere.
12. Getting sooo excited to launch the next round of TBB merch. This one has been a labor of love. Lots and lots of back and forth. We are getting very close finally eek.
Allll my love, besties!! Time for me to pack for our flight back to LA!! Love you all so much. How is everyone doing this week?! XO